Friday, September 14, 2007

Car Thieves

For my first ever blog I think I'd like to say that car thieves SUCK BALLS!

So my car got broken into again today. AGAIN. My stereo deck has a pretty sweet record though, going on 2 for 2 now. Twice I've been violated now and twice my stereo remains. I guess thieves get discouraged when they actually have to work for something. My deck requires work to get it out since it's bolted in. The worst part of getting robbed though, is that you just feel so violated. Why can't people just keep their hands off of other people's stuff? I do have to give those bastards kudos though for at least not being stupid vandals. My car worked okay, nothing was damaged (except for the stereo plastic faceplate, but that was already broken...), they left all my sunglasses (worth a lot of $$), left my clothes, everything. So, at least I got that. But I've come to the decision that I'm going to remove my stereo. It doesn't work anyway (there's something crazy with it) so why leave it in there when it never gets used? So tomorrow my stereo will be departing my vehicle and my car will be one step closer to complete ghetto-ness. That's my story. And I still really dislike thieves.

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