Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Universal Hell-Care

If the title doesn't make it obvious, I am firmly against socialized medicine. Someday when I have time I would like to actually research this topic and present a full on essay about why it shouldn't be done and my solution to the current health care crisis. However, that day will not likely be soon. So, in light of the resurgence of interest in the topic due to the presidential primary races (go Ron Paul), I would like to offer my biggest complaint. I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE. Plain and simple. I would like to pay for my own and my wife's, and that's it. I like to think I live a relatively healthy lifestyle and try to avoid medical fees when possible. I look around and see people smoking, eating nothing but junk food, calling a jaunt to the refridgerator excercise, and a host of other health issues. I have no problem with people doing those things, but it's putting them at a higher risk. So why should I have to pay for their medical problems ensuing from their own life choices? Also, why should I have to chip in to pay for someone's health care when they might be too lazy to go get a real job? I shouldn't. It's lame. That is one of my biggest issues, among a whole lot of other ones (which maybe someday I can effectively write down and present). If someone thinks they can effectively persuade me as to why I should be resonsible for other people I would like to hear it.

P.S. I know I'm a selfish bastard but I also believe strongly in personal responsibility. Take care of yourselves and don't rely on anyone else. Period.

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