Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Great American Justice System At Its Finest

Read this and become dumbfounded.

That judge is despicable. How she sleeps at night is beyond me.

But, it I guess it's a good thing she got him off the streets so he wouldn't shoot somebody or sell drugs to kids. You never hear about quadriplegics killing people and getting others high because they're actually really sneaky at it. Without our awesome drug and gun laws she would've had to let him go and who knows what kind of damage that would've caused!!

That last paragraph is sarcastic. The rest of it is not. Hope I didn't ruin your day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Justice for the sake of justice is a fantasy when the system rewards those who will wield power before temperance. The judge (and I use the term as a title only) is an all too common case of someone that has education without common sense. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated occurance. Just because you CAN judge doesn't mean you SHOULD judge.